May has been an interesting month since we were traveling for the first half of the month. We did do some reading, but not as much as we had hoped. Grandma had some books pulled out at her house. Fun ones from when my husband was a kid. We took a few, but didn't actually read them.
We had great plans to go to the library while we were away, but that didn't happen either. Oh well. We're home now and happily we went to the Library for story time last Thursday and got some books to bring home too. The theme for the day at story time was clouds and we read this fabulous book, that I remember, called
It Looked Like Spilt Milk
. by Charles G. Shaw. Fun stuff.
The books we brought home this week were good too. There is always a crowd favorite and this weeks was
The Corgiville Fair
, by Tasha Tudor. What a fun book about a town fair and all the goings on at the fair and before hand. The writing is excellent, the pictures are fun, the characters and story are engaging. We have enjoyed reading it over and over. The vocabulary in this book is also superb!
Next we got
Among the Odds & Evens
, A Tale of Adventure, by Priscilla Turner, illustrations by Whitney Turner. We're numbers people in our house, so, this was another really fun book that encouraged some educational conversations. About two letters, X and Y who find themselves in a land of numbers, the math conversations we were able to have were neat. We talked about odds and evens, obviously, but also some other math truths. When we're struggling with understanding why two odds would only add up to an even number I hope we return to this book, and "It's just a fact of number life."
We also borrowed
A Lucky Dog
: Owney, U.S. Rail Mail Mascot. Written by Dirk Wales and illustrated by Diane Kenna. It is a true story about a stray dog who became the mascot of the U.S. Rail Mail, and traveled not only around the country, but around the world. I picked this one up for my little boy, almost 2, because he loves dogs, and all animals right now, but I think I enjoyed it the most.
And finally,
You Can't Take a Balloon Into The Metropolitan Museum
. By Jacqueline Preiss Weitzman and Robin Preiss Glasser. This one surprised me when we sat down to read it. It had no words. Just some of the most beautiful artwork. It told a definite story and is illustrated in a comic book fashion with boxes, but the drawings are lovingly crafted to show the best parts of New York City. I loved seeing how the scenes the balloon was taking in were mimicked by the artwork the girl was viewing (or was it the other way around?).
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